Friday, January 30, 2015

Konmari - Basket Collection

Basket collection - 45 minutes. These don't include utility baskets in use. Shown are before, after, discards. I love antique Native American baskets but have some new ones too. The last pic shows 2 special favorites - a sweet grass basket made by friend Debbie Powell of Sweetgrass Valley. The cedar bottom has a natural seashell design and the fragrance of the basket is wonderful! The tiny covered basket inside it is Papago Indian and made from horsehair. Was surprised to let so many go but when I held each one, some spoke to me and some did not. My customers are going to be really happy this year!

Konmari - Old Paint

Konmari paint - 45 minutes with 2 people. Ugh! Goal was 2nd shelf only to do paint which was mostly mine. But when I started removing cans I discovered something had leaked down from the top shelf so 2 shelves got done and cleaned up instead of 1 and I recruited Richie. Here's the second shelf before, then second & top shelves after. Last is discards. Glad I saved the old hand towels and facecloths for rags - cleaned the 2 shelves, the culprit was a container of Roundup that we use to kill poison ivy only since nothing else works. Hate Roundup but super allergic to PI!

Konmari - Shell Collection

Konmari - 1 hour - Seashell collection - before and after, with keepers on the right. I used to collect shells before Richie and I married but I sold them all except for the little yellow one in the last photo. I guess I find shells irresistible because all of a sudden another collection was formed. Don't know why I kept that little guy because I don't usually love yellow, but I kept it again this time. There used to be a shell shop on the Cape that was at the end of a long dock. It was very tiny with all windows and surrounded by water. It was really cool - think it's gone now but I still remember it.

Note:  After going through the shells, I decided to let go of the largest one and my beautiful coral got dropped and broken.  So two less large pieces, although I'm very sad about the coral!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Konmari - Kitchen Cabinets - Part 2 - Done

5.5 Hours total for kitchen cabinets and they're done! Except for 2 Richie sections he promised to finish this weekend. Here's before and after of the worst remaining cabinet. There sure were tons of candles! Have 4 bags of donations and 1 item to sell. There are at least 26 more categories to go in the house so I've reached about the halfway mark! Then I get to start all over again with the basement stockroom....

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Konmari - Household Supplies - Kitchen #1

Kitchen plates, bowls, mugs, vases, candle holders - 1.75hrs. Before and after, 2 cabinets. 2 small plates and a bowl were relocated into the kennel, 1 mug was used to hold things in the upstairs closet.

A favorite small bowl with rippley waves inside and the dogs' meatloaf plate - both these pieces especially spark joy!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Konmari - Household Supplies - Cleaning Products House and Kennel

Konmari cleanout - 50 minutes - kitchen cleaning products and portable cleaning products before and after. I'd like to eliminate some of these things for natural products but need to experiment more. I really dislike using vinegar and having everything smell like salad dressing.

Kennel cleaning products are done too. Actually, all the cabinet insides in the kennel are now finished. I was most concerned about using anything toxic on the kennel floors since the dogs are always licking them so we use a steam cleaning mop for those. There's no avoiding using bleach in the outside concrete runs though but that's only twice a year.

Konmari - Household Supplies - Bags

Konmari cleanout - 45 minutes of quality time on bag messes going downstairs and in kitchen - befores and afters.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Konmari - Household Supplies - Paper Bags, Plastic Bags, and Totes

Paper, plastic and tote bags are done.  I took a before photo but forgot to do an after.  The basement landing has been cleared, the two sales bags totes are cleaned out and neatened, and the bags stuffing the kitchen cabinet are cleared out leaving just a few.  I've saved most of the bags to use.  Need to start acquiring none though and that will mean buying some totes in the future or recycling the ones I get as there are now plenty to reuse.  Time spent was about an hour.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Konmari - Household Supplies - Disposables - Kennel Meds/First Aid

Dogs' first aid after 1.25 hours - before, after, discarded, nice neat shelves now with everything current. The dogs have a first aid kit we bring with us when we run but that was all updated at the beginning of the season. Not much is needed now since the old dogs have passed - just the basics and and the oldest dogs went on 1/2 dose of Glycoflex III when they had their 8'th birthday and I kept some emergency antibiotics.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Konmari - Household Supplies - Disposables - Herbal Cabinet

Here's the herbals cabinet before, after, and closed if anyone wants to see the front. Time spent was 45 minutes. Richie bought it for me during one of our Rockport getaways. It's handmade, from India, of recycled wood and hardware and I just love it! I keep smudge supplies in the bottom draw. In spite of every time I have a reason to go in there, it's because me, the dogs or the house aren't well, I still fell happiness when I open the doors! I did take everything out and check expiration dates.  Some things were discarded because they had expired, and like anything else, some things just didn't work well for us, so why keep them.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Konmari - Household Supplies - Disposables Meds/Supplements

Disposables - medicine/supplements and bathroom supplies and stuff that didn't belong with these things - before, after, discards for 1.25 hours. Couldn't eliminate much here because I've got better things to do with my money than stockpile this stuff. The only meds I use are for asthma for like 3 weeks in the spring and Richie's on nothing. I kept 3 types of unexpired antibiotics for weekend emergencies. Next will be herbs, then dog meds and such.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Konmari - Kennel Equipment Parts 1 and 2

Between yesterday and today I spent 4 1/2 hours doing Konmari in the kennel since I was trying to de-freeze the water pipes in there anyway. Hot water in the tub now but still not in the sink. Started off with some fast things - grooming tools before and after, then counter junk before and after ~ then I did a somewhat thorough job of towels, blankets, and other stuff. After verifying I wasn't doing anything relating to food, the dogs deserted me for their beds and napped.

Here's grooming tools, before

Grooming tools, after

Grooming tools, discard

Kennel counter misc before

Kennel counter misc after

Kennel counter misc discards

Then I removed this big expired container of dog shampoo and some other items from one of the cabinets

That gave me an empty shelf when I put everything back

Donations for the animal shelter

These two crates were sold and picked up today for $20, to a friend, and Im going to donate the money to husky rescue.

Donation pile for animal shelter grew and these items were dropped off to them today.

Kennel equipment part 2 - before

Kennel equipment part 2 - after

 Kenel equipment part 2 - donate and sell are on top of the crate

Everything is put back now. Here's a kennel draw before

The same draw after

Kennel draw #2 after (I forgot to take a before)

And an under counter cabinet after (also forgot to photo this first)

So here's the west wall of the kennel this morning, before I started

And here's the west wall after.  Making progress!