Sunday, November 16, 2014

Konmari - Step 1 A - Clothing

Wanted to get a jump on my New Years Resolution (same as last year's and the year before) and happened upon this book!

I've tried everything and nothing worked, so why not try Marie Kondo's method and "Konmari" my home?

Here goes - Step 1

Gather up every piece of clothing you own in your house and put it in a pile ~

That alone took 35 minutes!
Pick up each and every piece of clothing and ask yourself if it "sparks joy"
Keep what does, thank and discard what doesn't.

4 Hours and 35 minutes later (with a few breathing breaks because I was starting to pant),  this is my new pile.
  Truthfully, only about half of it sparks joy but it's winter here and nudity is not an option.
I now have 67 pieces of clothing ~

This is my pile of discarded, but thanked items.
4 Bags full of donations
1 Bag of trash
5 Items to sell
4 Pairs of pants my Mom can use

Husband has whisked these off to the Planet Aid box tonight with minimum grumbling on his way to pick up pizza, so they are out of here!
At the end I was pleased.
But also disappointed to see I've been neglecting buying good clothing for myself that I like to wear in favor of buying things for my business, the house, and other things I don't really need to spend money on.

I am keeper of my Mom's clothes too as she's in a nursing home.
Her off season and extras live in 3 large bins in the basement and they will be next!

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